Still plenty of life and interest on the patch, despite reaching the penultimate month of the year ( already !)
First off, I found a
Northern Wheatear on the 9th November on the paddocks, a nice late record from a brief foray.
The sun came out the following day, complete contrast, warmth and inverts aplenty. The Ivy blossom was teaming with various Diptera and Wasps, hundreds of individuals, a marvellous November sight !.
Noon Fly ( Mesembrina meridiana) |
Tapered Drone Fly (Eristalis Pertinax) |
Yellow Dung Fly (Scathophaga stercoraria ) |
Vespula vulgaris ( probably ! ) |
Peacock and a
Comma Butterfly were noted.
The nettles and posts were teaming with Ladybirds, and 4 species were seen, 2 were patch lifers,
Pine Ladybird and 16 Spot Ladybird. There were very big numbers of 7 Spot and Harlequins on the wing.
16 Spot Ladybird |
Finally, a subject I had started to read about recently, and it was nice to get acquainted with my first galls, these two occur on the underside of Oak leaves, and house a wasp that hatches in late winter and early Spring.
Silk-Button Spangle Gall |
Common Spangle Galls |
Many thanks to Brett Westwood, who supplied fine company and great information on some hitherto unfamiliar flora and fauna during our walk.